TSAE Welcomes Nine New CAEs
Congratulations to the nine TSAE members who recently passed the
Certified Association Executive (CAE) exam. The Fall 2017 class of CAEs successfully completed the CAE examination administered in December 2017.
The CAE Program serves to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and designate those who have acquired and have demonstrated knowledge essential to the practice of association management. TSAE currently has 163 CAEs in our membership.
Learn more about the CAE program and TSAE’s Study Course at www.tsae.org.
Ada Drozd, CAE
Executive Coordinator, Office of the EVP, Texas Medical Association
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP
Executive Director, Texas Radiological Society
Tracy Ginsburg, MBA, Ed.D., CAE
Executive Director, Texas Association of School Business Officials
Alina Greavu, CAE
Director of Marketing, Independent Bankers Association of Texas
Kent Hobart, CAE
Vice President, Southern Gas Association
Jeffrey S. Jenkins, CAE
Executive Director, Texas Chiropractic Association
Michelle Karns, CAE
Associate VP of Communications, American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Nita R. Scott, CAE
Executive Director, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Eva Sirman, CAE
President/CEO, Sirman Administrative Services, LLC, an AMC