Thank You to Our Outgoing Board Members

Tiffany Wehner McGee, CAE
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Trial Lawyers Association
Austin, TX
During Tiffany’s six-year term on the Board of Directors she served as a TSAE officer for the past three years serving as Chair-Elect, Board Chair, and most recently Immediate Past Chair. Tiffany’s Chair year of 2020-2021 was probably one of the most difficult TSAE has ever seen and Tiffany helped keep TSAE moving forward during the pandemic lockdown. Prior to her office service Tiffany served three years a member of the Board of Directors. In 2017 Tiffany led a Board Strategic Initiative conducting a gap analysis to help better serve ED/CEOs within TSAE. Also allowing her to serve on the TSAE 2017-2018 Executive Committee. In 2018 working on the TSAE Strategic Initiative Project analyzing a need for a new TSAE event or offering.

Robin Painovich, CAE
Executive Director
Career & Technical Association of Texas
Austin, TX
During Robin’s three-year term on the Board of Directors she assumed several leadership roles. She led a board strategic initiative to research and recommend on-demand educational products to provide micro-learning opportunities for TSAE which also led to her serving on the TSAE Executive Committee 2019-2020. Robin also participated with the Next Generation Study Initiative group that held focus groups with TSAE stakeholders classified as next-gen.

Julie Courtney, CAE, CMP
Independent Bankers Association of Texas
Austin, TX
During Julie’s three-year term she led the NextNext Gen Strategic Initiative working with other members of the Board of Directors to hold focus groups with stakeholders discussing possible engagement needs and wants targeted to next-gen engagement. Leading this initiative for two years also allowed Courtney to serve on the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 TSAE Executive Committee. This past year she served on the Board Member Engagement Strategic Initiative Group creating a membership engagement scoring system to use within TSAE.

Sam Stinnett, CAE
Executive Director/CEO
Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Austin, TX
During Sam’s three-year term on the Board of Directors, she co-lead a Board Strategic Initiative in creating and analyzing a COVID-19 Research Study on the effects of the pandemic on associations early on during the pandemic. In co-leading this Strategic Initiative, Stinnett also served as a member of the 2020-2021 TSAE Executive Committee. Stinnett also participated with the board work group focused on operationalizing some of the board strategic initiatives.

Nick Weynand
Founder and CEO
Mighty Citizen
Austin, TX
Nick served as one of the affiliate member positions on the TSAE Board of Directors serving as a voice for the affiliate community while helping guide TSAE through our initiatives. During his three-year term, Nick worked on several strategic initiative projects with other board members, including identifying TSAE’s Core Values, working to engage the next generation of TSAE stakeholders, and helping identify the definition of membership engagement within TSAE. He also assisted in creating an engagement scoring system that will soon debut.