The Gospel of Good Governance
The association executive said, “Please share the gospel of good governance with my board.” He was requesting the annual orientation of his board of directors.
I had to think about the context. The definition of “gospel” is something regarded as true and implicitly believed or a doctrine regarded as of prime importance.
I summarized the doctrine for good governance in 12 principles.
- Board Size – Size matters; it should allow for meaningful conversations. Studies indicate the larger the board the more disengaged the directors. The average is 15.
- Directors – Good boards include persons with the competencies to serve as trustees. Be cognizant of the impact of guests and ex-officio members at meetings.
- Frequency – Convene meetings as needed; postpone unnecessary meetings. Craft an agenda that works, not just reports and updates. (Boards can be a powerful force when called upon for visioning and solving problems.)
- Room Set-Up – Meeting rooms should be free of distractions and conducive to achieving results. Keep the mission and strategic plan on
the table. - Mission Driven – Nearly every discussion and decision will be influenced by the mission statement.
- GPS – The board’s GPS is a strategic plan. Directors work to advance a multi-year plan, not to build legacies or push
personal agendas. - Trust – Little is accomplished without a culture of trust, accountability, transparency, respect and integrity. Avoid risky behaviors.
- Staff – It takes a partnership of board (governance) and professional staff (management). Micromanagement is
not governance. - Duties – Directors have prescribed responsibilities including the fiduciary duties of loyalty, care and obedience. An orientation develops board confidence and skills.
- Documents – Most questions can be answered by reading the bylaws, policies, strategic plan and budget.
- Committees – Committees supplement the work of board and staff. They should produce results, engage members and identify future leaders. Poorly managed committees repel volunteers.
- Brevity – Brief is better for nearly everything. Volunteers seldom have time to read protracted reports.
Good governance requires nurturing. A two-page guide is free at
www.nonprofitcenter.com. (Search “Guide for Better Governance”.)
Author Bob Harris, CAE, provides free governance tips and templates at www.nonprofitcenter.com.
Photo credit: ©iStock.com/masterzphotois