Meet TSAE’S New Board Members

Our new Board members were installed at a Board meeting on June 27. They will officially be recognized in September at the New Ideas Annual Conference in Galveston.
Julie Courtney, CAE, CMP
IBAT Services, Inc.
Julie Courtney, CAE, CMP, is President of IBAT Services Inc., a subsidiary of the Independent Bankers Association of Texas (IBAT). She has been a part of the IBAT team for almost 20 years with progressive responsibility in several departments before leading the association’s for-profit company. In her current role, she is responsible for more than 20 endorsements of products and services for the community banking industry. In her prior role, she was responsible for planning and implementing more than 50 live meetings, two of IBAT’s signature conferences and more. She also serves as the primary liaison to the IBAT Leadership Division Board of Directors, a 600-member organization dedicated to developing future leaders in Texas community banking.
Trevor S. Mitchell, MBA, CAE
Executive Director/CEO
American Mensa
Trevor Mitchell, MBA, CAE, is the Executive Director/CEO of American Mensa, Ltd. and the Mensa Foundation. With more than 50,000 members, American Mensa is the largest national Mensa with members who range in age from 2 to 106. They include engineers, homemakers, teachers, actors, athletes, students and CEOs, and they share only one trait – high intelligence. Trevor has been heavily involved in the association industry. He is a past New Ideas Conference Chair for TSAE, currently serves on the D&I Committee for ASAE, and contributes to several publications and presentations within our industry. When not traveling for work, he is normally found enjoying spending time with his family and friends, trying out a new restaurant in town, catching a moving, or playing the piano.
Robin Painovich, CAE
Executive Director
Career & Technical Association of Texas
Robin Painovich, CAE, serves as the Executive Director for Career and Technical Association of Texas (CTAT), supporting educators responsible for preparing Texas students for college and career. She collaborates with members and highly skilled staff, resulting in significant increases in membership, sponsorship, financial holdings, board development, and outreach efforts. CTAT has earned the national Quality Association designation from the national Association of Career and Technical Education every year for 10 years. Robin works to facilitate legislation and policy to expand and improve the programs managed by CTAT members. Prior to joining CTAT, she planned corporate events for IBM in North America, Latin America and Europe. Robin holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and enjoys time with her husband and children.
Sam Stinnett, CAE
Executive Director/CEO
Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Sam Stinnett was born and raised in Austin and earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism at Texas State University. Though being a journalist intrigued her, Sam found herself back at the state’s capital city upon graduation and has been involved with the legislative process ever since! Sam has worked in and around the Texas Legislature for over a decade and became the Executive Director of Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists in 2014. She enjoys spending time with her family; she and her husband welcomed Sonny Wayne Stinnett in January 2018. Sam enjoys finding ways to show support for animal rescue and other causes in her spare time.
Nick Weynand
Founder & CEO
Mighty Citizen
Nick Weynand is the CEO and founder of Mighty Citizen. His drive and curiosity have fueled the transformation of Mighty Citizen from a humble beginning (when Nick was still an undergrad) to, now, one of the fastest-growing, most admired digital and branding agencies in Texas. Nick has overseen the strategy, design and development of more than 600 projects – from small “brochure” websites to multimillion-dollar integrated campaigns (and everything in between). Admired for his commitment to his clients’ success and sharp insights into business development and entrepreneurship, Nick is often tapped to share his hard-earned wisdom across the industry.
Julie Courtney Trevor S. Mitchell Robin Painovich Sam Stinnett Nick Weynand
2019-2020 TSAE Board of Directors
Tracy Tomson, CAE
Executive Director
Restaurant Facility Management Association
Plano, TX
Tiffany McGee, CAE
Texas Trial Lawyers Association
Austin, TX
Theresa Parsons, CAE, CMP
Executive Director
Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education
Austin, TX
Steven Stout, FASAE, CAE
Executive Director
Texas Society of Association Executives
Austin, TX
Sandra J. Bench, CMP, CASE
Director, Business Development
San Antonio, TX
Jennifer Cawley, JD
Executive Director
Texas Association of Life & Health Insurers
Austin, TX
Julie Courtney, CAE, CMP
IBAT Services, Inc.
Austin, TX
LaChelle Evans, CTA, CSEE
National Sales Manager
Frisco Convention & Visitors Bureau
Frisco, TX
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP
Executive Director
Texas Radiological Society
Austin, TX
Devorah Jakubowsky, CAE
Associate Director
Texas Veterinary Medical Association
Austin, TX
Jennifer Mitchell, CAE
Governmental Relations Director
Association of Texas Professional Educators
Austin, TX
Trevor S. Mitchell, MBA, CAE
Executive Director/CEO
American Mensa
Arlington, TX
Tim Niedecken, CAE
Vice President of Marketing
Heritage Land Bank Ag Credit Association
Fort Worth, TX
Robin Painovich, CAE
Executive Director
Career & Technical Association of Texas
Austin, TX
Jodi Ann Ray, CAE
President & CEO
Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants
Dallas, TX
Kim Schoppert, CAE
Chief Administrative Officer & Assistant to the Executive VP
Texas Land & Title Association
Austin, TX
Linsae Snider
Executive Director
Texas School Public Relations Association
Austin, TX
Sam Stinnett, CAE
Executive Director/CEO
Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Austin, TX
Vanessa Stewart, CMP
Regional Director of Sales – Texas
Dallas, TX
Nick Weynand
Founder & CEO
Mighty Citizen
Austin, TX
Thank You to Our Outgoing Board Members
We thank our outgoing Board members for their volunteer service to TSAE. These members will be honored in September at the New Ideas Annual Conference in Galveston.
Christopher Williston, VI, CAE (Past Chair)
Chief Executive Officer, Independent Bankers Association of Texas
Joe Bedsole, CTA
Director of State Accounts, Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau
Alicia Dover, CAE
Executive Director, Associated Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Contractors of Texas
Megan Woodburn, CAE
Founder & CEO, Strategic Association Management
2019-2020 Board of Directors