TSAE Welcomes New CAEs
TSAE would like to congratulate the five TSAE members who recently earned their Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential. They were part of a group of 160 professionals, including seven Texans, to pass the CAE exam administered in December.
TSAE will recognize these members this September at the New Ideas Annual Conference in Galveston.
The CAE Program serves to elevate professional standards, enhance individual performance, and designate those who have acquired and have demonstrated knowledge essential to the practice of association management.
There are currently 179 CAEs in the TSAE membership.
Thank you to our CAE Study Course sponsor Visit Austin.
New CAEs
Rose Grandon, CAE
Marketing Manager, Texas Association of School Business Officials
Francine A. Johannesen, CAE
Executive Director, Texas Academy of General Dentistry
Lydia Rudy, CAE
Association Executive, CMP Management, Inc.
Amanda Sherbondy, CAE
Vice President of Membership & Marketing, Houston Apartment Association
Sam Stinnett, CAE
Executive Director/CEO, Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists