A Note from TSAE Executive Director, Steven Stout, FASAE, CAE

LIKE MANY OF you, TSAE has had a very strange and unusual past couple of years. We persevered through the pandemic, working to keep our community connected and being a leader for other associations learning how to operate on the fly during lockdown. Our leadership was nimble, resourceful, and took on the call to make TSAE a trustworthy and reliable place for the TSAE family to turn to in an uncertain and ever-changing time.
It has been an uphill road to recovery for TSAE since, and we are still working to make our way back from 2020. The journey has been challenging, but it has also given us a chance to reflect on why it is that we do what we do and why TSAE runs deep in the heart of our members and friends. And for that, we are humbled and grateful.
Many of our association members have asked how they can help TSAE, wanting to make sure that this organization and family is still around for another 94 years. With that in mind, this year we created an Association Supporter package to allow associations to help TSAE on our road to recovery.
Our affiliate partners have stepped up in a big way the past few years and are committing more sponsorship dollars than ever before. And while we are very grateful for their contributions, it is still going to take some time for TSAE to make a full recovery.
The Association Supporter package gives fellow associations an opportunity to show support for not only TSAE, but for continuing education in our profession. A supporter package comes with recognition at each one of our signature events and we hope to grow this program every year offering special benefits to our supporters.
We know so many of you support us through your memberships, volunteerism, and attendance at our many events. We appreciate that support very much. This is another way for those who are able to help support TSAE and our initiatives moving forward so we can continue to offer you knowledge-driven, trustworthy education and the high-quality connection opportunities that TSAE is known for.