Quick Tips: Generations in the Office, Non-Alcoholic Options
Five Generation Meeting Meld
Five is a stretch (less than 2 percent of the workforce hails from the Traditionalist generation, folks born between 1925 and 1945), but you never know. And programming with wide appeal should always be on the planner’s agenda, so how do you tick the boxes for attendees whose worldview was shaped by the Great Depression and those who have never known a day without a digital device?
The first step is getting them there. And you’ll want to employ different methods to do so.
For Gen Z, a demographic that’s just beginning to enter the workforce, technology isn’t a hard sell – it’s a must. In fact, the youngest among us communicate so comfortably in the realm of the virtual, they may be the hardest sell of all when F2F events are involved. Messages that are personalized, but dynamic and creative, may be the best option – and certainly best delivered in a digital format. Things that appeal most, however, may be educational pursuits, as according to a collective study by Purdue University, most of Gen Z expects its employers to provide formal training.
Boomers are retiring in droves on the daily, but still account for roughly a quarter of the workforce. They’re teamwork oriented, so interactive programming speaks to them. Both Boomers and Gen X’ers look to efficiency in communication and have more flexibility – whichever works best – even actual phone calls (gasp!) tend to be fine.
Millennials value work-life balance – an agenda that caters to their leisure and business sides will likely appeal. They are more digitally oriented in communication style, but unlike Gen Z, they don’t eschew email.
Want programming that relates to them all? Consider making that the crux of your presentation, linking them all in by showing where they overlap and can find the best ways of working together.
Sobering Experiences
People are drinking less these days – younger folks, in particular. Perhaps in part as a result, zero-proof cocktails aren’t just becoming more prevalent, they’re downright sophisticated, with non-alcoholic bars and mocktail menus popping up all over the nation, including the DFW Metroplex.
Looking for sophisticated spaces set up to cater to a spirited guest list that doesn’t necessarily want spirits in the glass? Whether your event falls in Sober October or Dry January, or you just want to make sure the bases are covered so your entire audience feels welcome no matter what drink is in hand, here are a few top choices in the Dallas area.
You’ll find a killer selection of leaded and unleaded sips in this mad scientists’ lab of libations which, by the way, welcomes parties of up to 250 for events. Custom tinctures, juice clarification by centrifuge, it’s a hot choice for food and drink fans who love to nerd out. hide.bar
Punch Bowl Social
There’s loads to do in this two-story Deep Ellum fun factory besides tie one on. Besides, it might be prudent to stay sober while competing in pastimes like ping pong, bowling, arcade games and more. And, as you might imagine, they’re happy to host your corporate function – whether team building, fundraiser or product launch. punchbowlsocial.com
Sidecar Social
Their non-spirited cocktail menu here might have everyone volunteering as designated driver. For just $6 – the Ginger’s Island (ginger beer, pineapple juice, basil) or Limey (a shaken concoction of lime juice, ginger ale and strawberry puree) hit all the refreshing, tasty notes without registering a point on the Breathalyzer. Indoor hoops and private karaoke rooms add to the booze-free fun. sidecarsocial.com
Planning + Projection = Positive Outcome
As Q4 approaches, your organization may be looking at inflation-affected bills it didn’t project at the outset of 2022. Do you have enough in the till to cover expenses that exceeded expectations? It’s time to make sure you plan ahead to ensure ample operating cash that will carry your team through. With more than half the year in the rear-view, it’s time to analyze, project and discuss ways to line the coffers an equally unpredictable 2023 might require.